Welcome Visiting Royalty

This page includes all the details to know before you join us for the Elizabeth Stampede Rodeo the first weekend in June.

Each royalty participant must provide a signed release to ride in the parade or arena. For minors, the release must be signed by a parent or guardian and if signed digitally, the parent or guardian must also provide a digital proof of identity when completing the waiver. Paper waivers may also be provided and brought to the rodeo in person. Use the button to access the waiver.

Colorado weather is variable and unpredictable. Plan on it being quite warm with possible rain and hail and chilly evenings. Bring plenty of clothes/layers so you're prepared for anything.

PLEASE remember to stay hydrated and manage your meals - it's a busy weekend. Also, plan time for the care of your horse. There is no hydrant located near royalty trailer parking so be sure to bring enough water for your horse.

RV Camping with hookups is available at Kiowa Outdoor Adventures which is located at 9889 County Road 134, Kiowa, CO 80117. There are no motels in Elizabeth or Kiowa, however, lodging is available in either Parker or Castle Rock about 30 minutes away. Additionally, there may be limited campsites at the Elbert County Fairgrounds with hookups and showers.

Overnight stabling is available at the Messer Arena in Kiowa which is at 33955 Co Rd 37, Kiowa, CO 80117, about 10 minutes east of Elizabeth. If you are stabling, you need to bring feed, water buckets and hoses.

Royalty Parking

Stay tuned for more detailed parking information for 2025. (There may be changes from past years.)

Throughout the weekend, the hospitality tent is available for all volunteers, including Royalty, to purchase meals. Family and friends are also welcome to purchase meals at Hospitality. You can purchase meal tickets online in our volunteer store for $5.00 per meal or $20.00 for the entire weekend.

Royalty and one coordinator will receive day passes for the rodeos. Wristbands are for rodeo entry, standing room only, and do not include seating. You can purchase tickets online, and we recommend doing so early as we typically sell out.

Royalty Events | Clinic August 9th 2024

〰️Competition September 6th ~

Royalty Events | Clinic August 9th 2024 〰️Competition September 6th ~

Grand Entry Practice

June 3rd, 6:00 PM

Casey Jones Park Arena

Grand Entry practice will be Tuesday, June 3, 6:00 p.m at Casey Jones Arena, Elizabeth. It usually lasts until 8:00. This practice is to ride in the arena unless other arrangements have been made and we have seen you ride this season. The Arena Manager will not allow an unsafe horse and rider to run in a performance. Please be aware that PRCA rules, time restrictions and the production team make final decisions so last-minute changes may happen.

Due to PRCA time constraints, we must limit Grand Entry based on decisions by the Production Team. We will do our best to introduce royalty at some point during the rodeo. Miss Rodeo Colorado and Miss Rodeo Wyoming will carry flags and ride in every Grand Entry. Please let royalty know which performances you plan to attend Friday, 7:00 p.m., Saturday at 1:00 pm, Saturday 7:00 pm and/or Sunday at 1:00 pm.

Queen’s Luncheon

Fashion Forward Attire Theme:

Queen Kallie Russell and Queen’s Attendant Georgia Swanson welcome all to their Queen’s luncheon. Please RSVP with the number of royalty and number of guests via the Elizabeth Stampede website elizabethstampede.com/royalty. The luncheon will be held on the east side of the rodeo grounds in the hospitality tent. It will start at 11:00 a.m. and end around 1:00 p.m. Visiting royalty in crown receive a complimentary lunch. Guests are $15. Please sign up and purchase tickets online.

Because the luncheon will be on the rodeo grounds, leather dresses are not recommended. Fashion-forward skirts, dresses of a more casual elegance or bling and denim with the Queen’s theme will be appropriate.

Parking for the luncheon will be in the contestant parking area. Please watch for signs. It will be a short walk behind the chutes to the hospitality tent. Royalty will be given updated information and rodeo wristbands at the luncheon based on your online signup.

June 6th, 11:00 AM

A password is required to access the site to RSVP. You can find the password in your invitation.

Friday Night Chute Out, First Responders Night

Friday night is our first event with a full night of rough stock broncs and bulls. Visiting royalty can help with tours and passing out promotional items. Check-in with us at the north gate and we will assign you tasks

5:30 p.m. Behind the Chutes Tour. We will provide an update at the luncheon regarding tours and royalty’s participation.

6:30 p.m. Grand Entry line up for 7:00 - Friday Night Chute Out

ONLY those notified prior to the rodeo need to be at the north gate of the arena ready to ride. We will line you up. We will do our best to announce all visiting royalty at some time during the rodeo. Miss Rodeo Colorado, Miss Rodeo Wyoming, and Elizabeth Stampede Royalty carry sponsor flags.

6:30 p.m. All visiting royalty are encouraged to help with give-aways, mutton bustin, autographs, and greeting rodeo fans! This is the best way to promote your fair and rodeo. Meet near the Royalty Banner by the north arena entry gate near Section H.

9:30 p.m. Dance band - All royalty are welcome to attend the dance. Appropriate rodeo attire is recommended although wearing crown and sash is per your royalty program requirements. We expect all royalty to be role models and conduct themselves appropriately. While boyfriends may attend, no public displays of affection etc. are allowed.

Casey Jones Park Arena

June 6th, 7:00 PM


June 7th, 9:00 AM

Sheriff Escort to Parade Staging Area from Casey Jones Arena

Saturday is Parade day and two PRCA rodeo performances. Please be sure to note on the website if you are riding your horse in the parade. Also, please let us know if you would like to ride in the ESR queen’s pickup if you are not riding your horse in the parade. You must be saddled and ready to ride by 8:00 am.

We all meet in the Royalty parking area, which is right off Highway 86, on the west side of Casey Jones Pavilion. DO NOT go to Big R in Elizabeth! Because we ride along a State Highway, for the safety of our riders, all royalty riders must be escorted and all ride together to the parade staging area. If you miss the escort, you can NOT ride your horse in the parade. It’s really fun and we stay safe! The parade lasts about one hour. The parade starts at 9:00 am. Royalty will be assigned the order of riding in the parade so that you can be announced as you ride by. We will give you the order.

Saturday Pro Rodeos

Tough Enough to Wear Pink Rodeo

June 7th, 1:00 PM

11:30 a.m. Behind the Chutes Tour We will provide an update at the luncheon regarding tours and royalty’s participation.

12:30 p.m. Grand Entry line up for 1:00 Tough Enough To Wear Pink PRCA Rodeo ONLY those notified prior to the rodeo need to be at the north gate of the arena ready to ride. We will line you up. We will do our best to announce all visiting royalty at some time during the rodeo. Miss Rodeo Colorado, Miss Rodeo Wyoming and Elizabeth Stampede Royalty carry sponsor flags.

12:30 p.m. All visiting royalty are encouraged to help with give-aways, mutton bustin, autographs and greeting rodeo fans! This is the best way to promote your fair and rodeo. Meet near the Royalty Banner by the north arena entry gate near Section H.

Casey Jones Arena

Take a break between rodeos to hydrate, eat, walk vendor alley, and greet rodeo fans!

Colorado Ag Night Rodeo

June 7th, 7:00 PM

5:30 p.m. Behind the Chutes Tour. We will provide an update at the luncheon regarding tours and royalty’s participation.

6:30 p.m. Grand Entry line up for 7:00 - Colorado Ag Night PRCA Rodeo.

ONLY those notified prior to the rodeo need to be at the north gate of the arena ready to ride. We will line you up. We will do our best to announce all visiting royalty at some time during the rodeo. Miss Rodeo Colorado, Miss Rodeo Wyoming, and Elizabeth Stampede Royalty carry sponsor flags.

6:30 p.m. All visiting royalty are encouraged to help with give-aways, mutton bustin, autographs, and greeting rodeo fans! This is the best way to promote your fair and rodeo. Meet near the Royalty Banner by the north arena entry gate near Section H.

9:30 p.m. Dance band - All royalty are welcome to attend the dance. Appropriate rodeo attire is recommended although wearing crown and sash is per your rodeo requirements. We expect all royalty to be role models and conduct themselves appropriately. While boyfriends may attend, no public displays of affection etc. are allowed.

Casey Jones Arena

Red, White, and Blue Rodeo

June 8th, 1:00 PM

11:30 a.m. Behind the Chutes Tour- We will provide an update at the luncheon regarding tours and royalty’s participation.

12:30 p.m. Grand Entry line-up for 1:00 PRCA Rodeo

ONLY those notified prior to the rodeo need to be at the north gate of the arena ready to ride. We will line you up. We will do our best to announce all visiting royalty at some time during the rodeo. Miss Rodeo Colorado, Miss Rodeo Wyoming and Elizabeth Stampede Royalty carry sponsor flags.

12:30 p.m. All visiting royalty are encouraged to help with give-aways, mutton bustin, autographs and greeting rodeo fans! This is the best way to promote your fair and rodeo. Meet near the Royalty Banner by the north arena entry gate near Section H.

For further information, email Royalty@ElizabethStampede.com or call/text Dianna 303-880-7962

Casey Jones Arena